
A primary benefit of OutReach is its ability to ensure the identities of an organisation's members. To do this, OutReach takes the opposite approach to most online services. It is not the end user that creates the account to join the organisation. Rather, the user must already belong to an organisation before they can activate the OutReach app on their smartphone. OutReach is designed for organisations that already have a member base and an existing membership procedure.

OutReach maintains a copy of the organisation's user database. For users to activate the OutReach app on their smartphone, a user must already exist in the user database of an organisation hosted by OutReach, and they must have an email address that is unique within that organisation. OutReach will use that email address to confirm the user's identity at activation time, and again when secure processes require additional verification.


The OutReach app can be downloaded by the users from the Apple App store and from Google Play. When the user opens the app, they will see the Activation screen where they can enter an email address. When they press Send, an activation request is sent to the OutReach system. All organisations that have a user with the email address provided will receive a notification that an activation request has been created.

The activation request

If an organisation has any outstanding activation requests, its administrators will see a red star beside the Activation Requests menu item in the left pane. If they then navigate to the Activation Requests page, they will see a list of all the outstanding activation requests. Each line in the Activation Requests table is a pending activation request. The date and time the request was made is shown, along with the email address the user used, and the name and details of the person that email address belongs to. If the user granted the OutReach app permission to use the phone's location services, the city, post code, region and country of the user's location are also displayed.

To send this user an activation email, click the yellow email icon. The user will receive an email with an Activate button. To delete this activation request without activating, click the red trashcan.

To accept this activation request immediately without sending an email, click the green check mark. This should be avoided where possible, because it skips the email verification step.

Completing activation

The user will receive an email indicating that an activation request has been received, and showing the organisation that received it. To complete the activation process the user can click the red Activate Now button.