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Connecting Organisations to Members

  • Direct Delivery of Targeted Messaging

  • Uncluttered Content

  • Conduit for Rich Media

  • Reports on User Access and Activity

  • Secure Surveys and Voting

OutReach is an online platform for organisations that helps them improve the way they connect with their members. It provides a simple and effective way to push content, and also reports on how the members are consuming and reacting to that content.

Take control

OutReach is a social media-like platform that can be used to push simple messages to members. Messages consist of a combination of images and plain text delivered in a scrolling list, very similar to other social media platforms. In addition, the messages can link to rich content, such as streaming video, online meetings, or documents.

OutReach can also be used to conduct surveys. The organisations' administrators can construct simple, multipage surveys in a few easy steps, then attach the surveys to the messages pushed out to the members.

How members engage

Whenever the users access any content, their activity is captured for reporting purposes. OutReach provides rich reports that help organisations to understand their members' engagement. Reporting metrics include:

  • When a user opens a message to read it

  • When a user activates the message's rich content link

  • When a user activates a survey associated with the message

  • All survey responses

Where possible members' location details are also captured, and used to enrich the reporting data.

Avoid the noise of social media

Where OutReach differs from social media is that the control of access is in the hands of the organisation rather than the users. A user must already belong to an organisation before they can access that organisation’s OutReach feed. It is a private communications channel between the organisation and the users.

Enhance the members' experience

The value members will see is a better communications experience with their organisations. They would only sign up to OutReach to be connected to their organisations; there’s no other reason to do so. OutReach gives users the assurance of a more meaningful, timely, and clean communications channel. And, of course, members can be actively connected to multiple organisations.

Privacy Policy

OutReach provides reports to the hosted organisations on how their members are consuming their content. The information used to compile these reports includes ratings the members may have given the messages, rate of response to messages, the number of times a message was accessed, and the number of times its rich content was actioned. Users’ locations can also be recorded. These reports are intended to help the organisations better meet the needs of their members. For example, for organisations that provide geographically dispersed services, the ability to understand where the content is being accessed can help that organisation to improve those services. Location data can be used when announcing new services, and for improving the organisations’ responses in the event of catastrophes.

In addition, location information may also be required by organisations as an additional security step, such as when validating voting.

Information gathered in this way will remain confidential to the organisations involved, and will not be divulged to any third parties without being appropriately anonymised.

Terms and conditions